Town Hall Theatre

68 S Pleasant St, Middlebury, VT 05753


For more than a decade, the Middlebury Opera House, as it was often called, hosted an impressive array of theatrical events. The list includes town meetings, religious services, children’s operettas and plays, traveling and local theatricals, balls, dances, and proms, lectures and orations, concerts, readings, political rallies, a tuberculosis exhibit, meetings of the DAR, the WCTU, and Masons, dog and pony shows (literally), minstrels and Hibernian (Irish) shows, Middlebury College Junior Exhibition and Commencement exercises, benefits and charity balls, Middlebury High School graduations, tableaux vivants, local school tests and common teachers’ exams, fairs, dance recitals, music festivals, national holiday and …


68 S Pleasant St, Middlebury, VT 05753



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